Nothing Can Take You Down | Feat. Pete Stewart


Depression is such a mysterious condition.

It manifests in so many different ways and you can’t always tell who is suffering by a quick glance.

When I first met Pete Stewart, I would have never guessed that he was struggling with depression. He was a talented musician, confident on stage, smart and funny in conversation…yet, not living a life that was true to his authentic self. He battled depression in the quiet shadows until he could break out of a life of making other people happy and learn who he really was and what makes him happy.

It’s a journey we all must take…

yet we resist it for so long…because of fear. Fear of other people’s judgement, I guess. I’ve been there. Here’s where 2020 has been an unexpected gift…when everything you’ve constructed to please people is blown up…all you are left with is who you really are...

and that’s really all you need.

I hope you enjoy this conversation about discovering and embracing your authentic self as much as I enjoyed having it.


Together | Feat. Joel Smallbone


ASHES | Feat. Claire Guerreso